The word "metacogniiton" was first coined by John Flavell. Accordingly, it consist of metacognitive knowledge and experiences or regulation. It also means“thinking about thinking”, “learning how to learn" and thinking which involves active awareness and control over cognitive processes engaged in learning.
Metacognitive knowledge refers to acquired knowledge about cognitive processes, knowledge that can be used to control processes.
3 categories of metacognitive knowledge:
1. Person variable – knowledge about how human beings learn and process information and individual’s knowledge of one’s own learning process
2. Task variables – knowledge about nature of tasks and type pf processing demands that it will place upon the individual
3. Strategy variables – awareness of the strategy one is using to learn a topic and evaluating whether this strategy is effective
1. Meta-attention – awareness of specific strategies so that you can keep your attention focused on the topic or task at hand
2. Meta-memory – awareness of memory strategies that work best for you
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